In addition to our quarterly meetings the Society publishes its journal, Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, in four issues per year. The journal typically contains an editorial, articles from contributors that may range from manuscript studies to national heritage policy, appreciations, obituaries, book reviews, photographs, notes & queries. The journal provides a bridge to connect members whether they be collectors, librarians, booksellers or book lovers or for whatever reason readers are interested in books – to have, to read and to enjoy.
Click on the Biblionews drop-down menu (above right) to read recent articles from the journal.
The Book Collectors’ Society of Australia also delivers Biblionews to libraries across Australia and overseas (NZ, US and UK).

Should you wish to refer to previous issues of Biblionews, they are now available on the Trove website:
- Biblionews (1947-1964) :
Note: Biblionews over this time was mostly a monthly newsletter.
- Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries (1966-2003) :
Note: From 1966 Biblionews appeared mostly quarterly, though was sometimes a double issue.
- Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries (2016-2023) :
- No issues in 1965 or 1973-75; limited issues in some other years.
Back issues of Biblionews
To order a back issue of Biblionews, please email [email protected]
The cost is AUD$10 for single issues and AUD$15 for double issues, plus postage.
To access the latest Biblionews and Australian Notes and Queries index for 1947-2018